Wednesday, January 29, 2014

there are people who don't sing in the car?

i promise my posts won't always include something about a vehicle but this thought struck me as i was pulling into work singing my lil heart out: are there really people in this world that don't sing in the car?

this is of course a hypothetical question. i know these people exist because i've come into contact with them and when i ask (curiosity ya know, maybe they don't sing in front of others) they've given the answer, "i don't really ever sing." huh? my brain does not compute. what do you do in the car then?

even if i'm in the car with people i don't know i'm always mouthing the words. i've tried to stop myself. i can't. it's a reflex. and i'm sure it's annoying to some and to those folks i'm very sorry. i've never claimed to have a voice worth hearing.

i just can't imagine driving along, a song comes and the next logical step is not showing the artist you've mastered their song (mostly).

i guess you non singing folks will always remain a mystery to me and i'll just have to learn to accept it. however, always keep this in mind when riding in the car with me:

i sound like such a joy to be around! check out my other social media (medias? not sure what the plural is) and leave me a comment about whether or not you sing in the car and why or why not!
Glossy Blonde


  1. GUILTY!!!! <3 You know I can belt out some award winning notes while in the car. Still working on keeping my eyes OPEN whilst holding it though!! haha I've also found my self gettin jiggy with it and then realizing i am NOT alone in the car! More people should enjoy the music!! lol

  2. I play air instruments in the I qualify? ;-)

    1. That will do. I will have to say I do both though so you have a ways to go ;) HAHAHA
