back to the morning show. the blurb they did on the article was grossly inaccurate. i'm talking i had to go back and read the article again to be sure there wasn't something i missed inaccurate. like i'm pretty sure the person that pulled the story from the web didn't read it.
i considered going into what was said and what i interpreted his article to be but i don't think that's the important part here. this isn't a rant on drug use and it's outcomes or whether or not russell brand has an opinion to value, etc. the most disturbing part is the blatant lying/laziness that took place.
and i know it happens all the time. this is not the first nor the last nor the most important subject with which to breach this subject. it just so happened to work out this way for me today.
my hope and prayer is that people use caution when taking the media's word; on any subject; be it entertainment to politics. just because they are on a media outlet does not make them experts. it may be something as simple as difference in interpretation or as disheartening as someone's complete and total laziness to expel effort.
just remember it's our job as to do a little research especially on important topics.
now that my mini rant is over please enjoy the following video and check out bbc's radio 1 live lounge for more fabulous covers like this!
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