Saturday, March 1, 2014

weekly rotation

i have been loving this song! it's so catchy and has a really cute message. i don't know how anyone can turn this on and not start dancing around or at least swaying to the beat. it's greatness!

happy first day of march!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

cable vs internet tv

for the past 3 or 4 years my husband and i have been cable free(ish). we use the internet as our form of entertainment. netflix, huluplus and amazon prime instant video have become our best friends and i've noticed as the years pass that more and more channels are allowing their content to be accessed online.

i don't miss cable. don't get me wrong, if we had it i would definitely watch it. i can binge watch hgtv like it's going out of style but even now when i watch at someone else's house it's a complete beatdown to have to wait through 20 min of commercials.

we currently have a roku in our bedroom and a chromecast in the living room. we started with our laptop hooked up to the tv but once we plugged in the chromecast we have yet to go back to the computer.
our roku allows us to watch amazon prime instant video which has a lot of free choices but you can also rent or buy a movie or tv show. pbs is also available on the roku which allows us to watch downton abbey and sherlock (which if you're not watching this show you are a complete moron).

the chromecast is probably my favorite though. we can stream netflix, youtube, hulu and hbo (yes we cheat a little bit and use friend's or family's hbogo log in info...hence the ish at the beginning) all simply by using our phones. i know it works with laptops too but ours is too old to even try out. it is a little frustrating to not be able to access amazon but the way i understand the chromecast we would be able to watch if we had an up to date laptop with the google chrome browser. you simply cast the web browser to the chromecast.

my hubby misses sports. that's about the only thing we can't get through streaming. all of the packages you can buy for baseball etc black out the local team so it's not of much use. i'm not going to lie though, it doesn't break my heart that sports aren't an option most of the time.

all in all i don't see us ever paying for cable again. i think/hope that the internet streaming will continue to grow and consumers won't be sucked into the advertising beatdown that is tv now. and sure you may have to watch a 20-30 sec commercials on some outlets (hulu) but that is completely different from the 10 min that usually come on during breaks.

**in addition to watching sherlock you really should be watching house of cards**

Glossy Blonde

Saturday, February 22, 2014

weekly rotation

i love this band. i love this song. they really need to make up and tour some more!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


as i'm sure i've established i'm definitely a sing-a-long kind of gal. with this title comes great (perceived) responsibility. haha i guess that's why when i get a lyric wrong and someone hears me they immediately point it out and laugh. hey, not everyone can have every song ever memorized completely.

this isn't about those little guffaws though. this is about those lyrics that have been sung wrong for years. never even knew the right one or the one i made up fit so perfectly it didn't matter. there have been several of these over the years. a few songs that make much more sense once i realized what words the artist was actually singing.

and then there are those chosen few that make you feel like a complete moron. here is a song that has been around before i was born. it's not on my top 10 hits in my defense however the word i always got wrong, for years and years. jet airliner. that's right the name of the damn song. what did i sing for years and years and years? big ole jedadiah. yup. guess i thought steve miller band was singing to an amish man. good times.

so if you need a laugh for the day listen to the song and laugh every time he says big old jet airliner.

and for those that know me, who is mike johnson?

Glossy Blonde

Saturday, February 15, 2014

weekly rotation

it's my birthday! yay! and in honor of this glorious holiday this weekly rotation will be from my birthday twin's new band. enjoy!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

weekly rotation

here's a lil jam that pandora so wonderfully provided me at about 2 in the morning as i was reading. this kind of thing happen to anyone else?

Friday, February 7, 2014

a lil responsibility please

this morning i was listening to a morning show do their morning celebrity gossip. they reported on an article russell brand wrote in regards to phillip seymour hoffman's death. now just yesterday i had read said article (i follow rb on twitter) and then retweeted it because i thought he had made some interesting points. all this to say i think i had absorbed the basic gist of his article.

back to the morning show. the blurb they did on the article was grossly inaccurate. i'm talking i had to go back and read the article again to be sure there wasn't something i missed inaccurate. like i'm pretty sure the person that pulled the story from the web didn't read it.

i considered going into what was said and what i interpreted his article to be but i don't think that's the important part here. this isn't a rant on drug use and it's outcomes or whether or not russell brand has an opinion to value, etc. the most disturbing part is the blatant lying/laziness that took place.

and i know it happens all the time. this is not the first nor the last nor the most important subject with which to breach this subject. it just so happened to work out this way for me today.

my hope and prayer is that people use caution when taking the media's word; on any subject; be it entertainment to politics. just because they are on a media outlet does not make them experts. it may be something as simple as difference in interpretation or as disheartening as someone's complete and total laziness to expel effort.

just remember it's our job as to do a little research especially on important topics.

now that my mini rant is over please enjoy the following video and check out bbc's radio 1 live lounge for more fabulous covers like this!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

mediocre nerd

you may be asking yourself: how did the name mediocre nerd come about? (and if you didn't you get the answer today anyway). i thought i would do a little explaining on today's post.

others in my life tend to refer to me as a nerd. i'm fine with the label. i can see how some of my interests definitely sway nerdy.

however i do believe that in no one area am i a hardcore "nerd". just a few examples:

  • music: i can't play an instrument. i can't read music. i know some bands that aren't on the "radio"but there is no way i can tell you what cd a certain song is from or what the album artwork is.lyrics and the ability to guess who's singing is about as far as i go.
  • television shows: i love doctor who, firefly and sherlock just to name a few. other than watching the episodes and knowing main characters you won't get any, "hey this happened in season 4, episode 22 at 5 min and 10 sec." 
  • technology: i can't fix technological stuff. i am not an it person. i simply know that turning it off and back on sometimes helps. if that doesn't work then google is your friend.
  • i love to read. wait this one might just be straight up nerd.

and that's how i ended up as the mediocre nerd. i half ass all of my nerdom. but half ass nerd just doesn't have the same ring to it.

as a side note: i would be like nick if i ever met prince. i love prince!

let me know what you nerd out over and how in depth that nerdery goes.
Glossy Blonde

Saturday, February 1, 2014

weekly rotation

time again for the weekly rotation. i am currently working on a spotify playlist for this post but it's being a bit onary at the moment. 

 i don't know why i love this song. i automatically turn the volume up when it comes on.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

there are people who don't sing in the car?

i promise my posts won't always include something about a vehicle but this thought struck me as i was pulling into work singing my lil heart out: are there really people in this world that don't sing in the car?

this is of course a hypothetical question. i know these people exist because i've come into contact with them and when i ask (curiosity ya know, maybe they don't sing in front of others) they've given the answer, "i don't really ever sing." huh? my brain does not compute. what do you do in the car then?

even if i'm in the car with people i don't know i'm always mouthing the words. i've tried to stop myself. i can't. it's a reflex. and i'm sure it's annoying to some and to those folks i'm very sorry. i've never claimed to have a voice worth hearing.

i just can't imagine driving along, a song comes and the next logical step is not showing the artist you've mastered their song (mostly).

i guess you non singing folks will always remain a mystery to me and i'll just have to learn to accept it. however, always keep this in mind when riding in the car with me:

i sound like such a joy to be around! check out my other social media (medias? not sure what the plural is) and leave me a comment about whether or not you sing in the car and why or why not!
Glossy Blonde

Saturday, January 25, 2014

weekly rotation

weekly rotation is what i'm hoping will become a once a week post letting you all know what jam i am currently playing to death. this week the winner is:
thanks to the hubster for putting this lil gem on my radar.

Friday, January 24, 2014

heed my advice

music is best consumed in a vehicle. as represented in the movie Once (fabulous movie btw). the characters all pile into a car and drive around an Irish town to be sure all the songs they recorded are car approved.

i guess growing up in the country and always having at least a 20 minute drive allowed ample amounts of free time to listen. seeing as eating, putting on makeup, reading, writing and texting is frowned upon as you drive, the air instruments and holding a note with your eyes closed are much safer options.

and to answer the question I'm sure you're asking yourself: yes, i am “that” guy that is jamming like no one else can see me. i refuse to let other drivers determine my rock out level. if i give you a good laugh/story for the day then you're welcome.

 the bottom line: it’s the best place to get your jam on.